Monday, July 20, 2009

Three Months Old

The major milestone this month was practicing and perfecting his smile. What a charmer. His neck is stronger as is his grip. He needs to be held (preferably by mom) all the time. He can suck his thumb for self soothing. No solo time for this guy. If he's left alone for a nap or to play for more than a few minutes its bloody murder. And don't even mention the car seat to him. He has very specific ideas about what is right and just in the world and will be quick to vocalize his displeasure. He can gurgle and coo and form sounds. He can also follow a rattle noise with his eyes.
There were also parties to attend. Mike and Chloe's wedding on 6.28.09 and Pam and Frank's Good Bye Party on 7.11.08. We still can'tbelive Lev's first friend Nico is moving to NY this month.

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