Lev was due Saturday 4/25/09 but at my last doctor's appointment that previous Monday, we found out that he had flipped and was now in the breech position. Dr. Ewertz called for an immediate c-section. The earliest availability that the hospital had was Friday 4/24/09 and we booked it. I wasn't scared. I actually preferred a c-section and I was glad that I had the excuse now not to labor. Upon arriving at the hospital on Friday, we checked one more time. But it turned out that our funny monkey had flipped again. Unheard of! We could have gone home and waited a few more days, but we were so eager to meet our monkey man that we said to go ahead with the surgery since everything was prepped anyway. And he arrived at 8.1 lbs and 21.25" at 10:03 AM. Welcome baby Lev! We love you. 

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