Friday, July 31, 2009

Happy Baby

We shot this cute footage last night.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Check Up

Lev was at the pediatrician's today. He is doing great: 10 lbs 12 ozs and 22" long. He grew almost 2 lbs and 1" since the last visit a month ago. He is at the 50th percentile for both. A healthy boy.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Lev Kicking

Shot with my i-phone today. Just playin' like we do. His 3 month birthday is today! How should we celebrate?

Monday, July 20, 2009

Palm Springs

A weekend getaway, our first family vacation, to Palm Springs. The desert in July might not have been the best idea, but we had a ball living it up at the Ace Hotel. Lev loved the king sized bed and AC way more than the pool. He will no doubt have expensive tastes.

Three Months Old

The major milestone this month was practicing and perfecting his smile. What a charmer. His neck is stronger as is his grip. He needs to be held (preferably by mom) all the time. He can suck his thumb for self soothing. No solo time for this guy. If he's left alone for a nap or to play for more than a few minutes its bloody murder. And don't even mention the car seat to him. He has very specific ideas about what is right and just in the world and will be quick to vocalize his displeasure. He can gurgle and coo and form sounds. He can also follow a rattle noise with his eyes.
There were also parties to attend. Mike and Chloe's wedding on 6.28.09 and Pam and Frank's Good Bye Party on 7.11.08. We still can'tbelive Lev's first friend Nico is moving to NY this month.

New York Trip

A week later, Lev made a trip to New York to visit his family there over the Fourth of July. Dad couldn't come because he had to work so hard. There was a secondary reason...meeting his future wife, Remy Korn.

Michigan Trip

At 7 and a half weeks, Lev boarded his first plane to be there for great grandpa Jim's 90th birthday in Michigan. Wow! He was terrific on the plane. Barely made a peep.

Two Months Old

Lev's second month was all about establishing a routine once the visitors had left and dad went back to wok after his paternity leave ended. The sling was key to getting through the day and trying to get some kind of schedule down for eating and naps. We took long walks with Rascal around Culver City every day to see the sites and get some fresh air and exercise. Sadly his gorgeous hair starting falling out at the crown. But no worries, it will grow back. We start to realize what a sensitive boy he is and I call him Mookie when he insists on getting his way because he can be such a little thug. Otherwise, he is the sweetest little monkey man.

One Month Old

Lev's first month was full of many many firsts. He doesn't welcome these new experiences initially but warms up to baths, and bouncy chairs, and hugs and kisses. And of course his first month was for family bonding so that we can start to get a sense of the person you are and will be.

Friends and Family

Lev was a popular boy from the very begining. His fans came to the hospital and his home to get a good glimpse in his first few weeks of life.

Pam & Nico
the GurmansChristian & Teresa