Thursday, July 31, 2014

Summer 2014

Summer has been flying by since Lev was released from school in early June. Between trips to the beach, playgrounds, pool, and their favorite indoor playground Under The Sea as well as good times spent with friends I have been able to keep them busy. Lev is eager to start Kindergarten at his new school, Ocean Charter, and that was the plan all along. They love watching tales of Tinker Bell together, Bob's Burgers with Alec, and Ilana has committed each Disney Princess to memory.

The other plan was to get the two kids really tight. They had their own daily schedules all year and I wanted them to spend more time with each other and lean on each other for company. I think its been successful. They have their own inside jokes and special games now and do miss each other when the other is not around for whatever reason. But they still squabble more than I would like as siblings do, over the dumbest things like the last cheese puff or the green ball.

Ilana has developed astonishingly since her second birthday. She is fiercely independent, to her own determent. Insisting on doing EVERYTHING for herself, things that could take 2 minutes take 20. Clothes are on backwards and inside out, shoes are on the wrong feet.

But its not worth the tantrum of making her ask for help so I let her assert herself. She knows her letters, completely self taught, which came as a happy surprise. And she just finished potty training and is in underwear, after less than a week. Amazing.

Cute things she says:
"What the heck?!"
"Oh man"
"You are a good mommy" when I am being stern. Smart girl.
"I'll do it"
"Get out of my room"
"Never ever" when its bedtime
"Cut my pickle"
And when I ask her why she is so smart she answers" Cuz I want to"

Dressing herself. Sassy.

She loves to be naked. And barefoot. Everywhere.

Lev is very observant and asks interesting questions like how you die, how do oil rigs work, how do bums become bums, and such. You know, typical things you would notice living in LA. Sometimes I know how to answer him, sometimes I don't. But I like that he asks the questions. His drawing and design sense is also getting really impressive. He likes going to show rooms with me and picking out his own samples.

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