Monday, October 21, 2013

Ilana at 18 Months

Ilana turned 18 months on 10/18 which is pretty special I think. This girl is full of bubbly life and good spirits. She is remarkably intelligent, capable, beautiful, and kind. From her check up we learned that she is 18.5 lbs and 29.5" tall and may be on the verge of being ready for potty training. But it seems a bit early to me.

She has started to really push herself to know the names for things. She points and quizzes herself all day long on colors, modes of transportation, Sesame Street characters, and body parts. I hear "helicopter? "purple?", "eyes?", "truck, weeyoo weeyoo (siren sounds)?" "cheek?", "blue car?" throughout the day. She not only knows Elmo, which she is passionate about, but surprisingly all the Sesame Street characters she chooses to reject and skip their segments to the next one that features Elmo. When she can't see the show, she makes me sing the song and imitate the characters.

She is also very good at mimicking things we say such as I love you "I lufoo" and awesome "saucesome" and once she recognizes things such as pumpkins or butterflys she delights in noticing them somewhere new. What I love is that she makes connections. One day I said it was nice that she we went outdoors and got some fresh air and sun and she pointed to her shirt with a picture of a sun and said "sunshine". She will point to any rock big or small and say "heavy". Delightful.

She also likes temporary tattoos and begs for one daily. She knows what she wants to wear or eat (of course she has her favorites) and will insist until she gets it.

Her day revolves around Lev. Since our trip to Denver she has become even more attached to him. She follows him around all day shouting Levy Levy Levy and when he is not home she asks for him and looks at his pictures as a substitute.

She enjoys dropping him off and picking him up from school and jumps into the tub for loud clean fun.

She is still a snuggle bug and gives great big hugs and kisses. She will share anything you ask of her but will fight for what's hers when there is an injustice. She has learned to stay stop it and no no no and even slap Lev when it is warranted. I really enjoy spending our mornings together. She is game for anything and goes with the flow.

Lev is doing great at school. I feel like he is really learning his letters and numbers and is eager to be studious. One of his favorite games is playing restaurant or store and everything costs $3, always. He is starting to enjoy Ilana's company too. I think he likes her captive audience and willingness to play anything he chooses. She also parrots him which which becomes a silly game on its own and cracks up at his jokes, each and every one.

He has back tracked in his sleeping habits. Since Denver he claims to be scared of the dark and won't spend the entire night without waking up and trying to get into bed with us. It never ends well and we haven't gotten a good night's sleep in weeks.

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