Thursday, July 18, 2013

Ilana at 15 months

Ilana had her 15 month check up today and she is doing well at 17.4 lbs and 28.5 inches tall. She is walking. Officially since July 3, but her first steps happened June 22. It just took her a few days to get the confidence to give up crawling entirely. Now she moves FAST and won't let me hold her hand.

Ilana has about a  20 word vocabulary. Besides her basics of car, baby, no, etc. she has added bubble, cracker, hot, light, eye, head, feet, truck, Lev (leh), peepee, mommy, doggy, kitty, and fish to the list. She loves pointing to the things she recognizes and naming them all day long. She also loudly says "Hey" when Lev tries to take toys away from her or is getting a treat that she wants to. Which is proving useful.

She adores Lev and laughs along to whatever game he has in mind, whether she gets the joke or not. She copies whatever he does and wants a piece of whatever action he is into.

She also is a natural at the pool. As Lev gets his swim lessons, she takes every opportunity to enjoy time in the water. She goes under cheerfully and holds her breath. SHe loves splashing. One morning she got each or our bathing suits, set them in front of us, tried to put her own bathing suit on, and banged at the back door to be taken to the pool. Too adorable.

This girl also knows how to get very dirty. Dirtier than her brother. Requiring several outfit changes each day. Its a good thing she picks her own clothes out - rejecting certain outfits, approving others. She likes pink and baby animal characters on her shirts.

Playing peek a boo behind the curtain.

Telling me the water is hot.

Lev has been home this summer. No camp upon request. He was getting burned out at school and his new PreK starts early (August 13) so we decided to keep him home and let him relax. Lots of playground visits, swim lessons, and we are off to Palm Springs next week too.

He is over Batman (too dark and depressing) and really into bugs now. He finds 5-6 fat potato bugs every day and likes to observe millipedes, lady bugs, and spiders. Give hima  shovel and some dirt and he is happy.

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