Thursday, March 14, 2013

Ilana at 11 Months

Just shy of 11 months, this girl is so aware. She seems to understand everything around her and tries to emulate. She will feed herself as discussed and actually won't accept food unless SHE puts it in her mouth which makes for messy times. She tries to organize things for me - like taking everything out of drawers or boxes and then methodically putting each back in one by one. She tries to brush her own hair and teeth and does a pretty good job. She insists on putting lids back on open containers. A neat freak like her mom. She is also a little bit of a dare devil - loving her swings and slides. And a lover - ready to hug and kiss at all times.
Lev is in full Batman mode. Day and night - he play acts, he reads about Batman, he dresses up, and he watches the show. He is the Dark Knight. He mentioned that "its hard to have a baby" and "its really hard to have a baby and a kid". Thank you for noticing buddy. He does try to watch out for Ilana whenever he can and keep her smiling. He is getting excited to be 4 years old. Soon enough.

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