Friday, February 8, 2013

Lev has been really into the Marvel comics lately: Batman, Superman, X-Men. He plays hero and fights bad guys day in and day out. Its safe to assume the black cape is his new favorite accessory. he wears it all day, every day. Its good for his imagination, I guess.

He has also starting indulging in 2 hour long baths. Once he is in, he won't come out so we keep adding hot water. Lots of cars in there to keep him company. Alec brings his i-Pad and a cocktail to keep from getting bored as he oversees the bath.

lana has grown her two upper front teeth and gotten even more mobile. She crawls and cruises around furniture all day. She also has figured out how to crawl up the entire flight of stairs. Yikes. You can't look away for a second. She is a robust eater (more so than Lev) although you couldn't tell on her tiny little frame. She is always open and likes to have a good laugh. She has also gotten more assertive - grunting and screaming when she doesn't get her way or you take something she has been playing with.

Lev continues to be the coolest kid who ever lived for Ilana. She enjoys dropping him off at nursery school and sticking around for half an hour to play with the toys and kids. She has also started following him onto the play structures when we go to the playground. Climbing and crawling and reaching when before she would only watch.

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