Thursday, November 1, 2012

Star Wars Halloween

This year we nerded out and all dressed up like the Star Wars family. Lev was excited to be Luke so that he could obtain a light saber. I was jazzed to dress the kids up as Luke and Leia Skywalker. Laura made the amazing costumes by hand, as she does every year upon request. How lucky are those kids to have a grandma that sews? Anyway, then Alec decided he just has to be Darth Vader. And that left princess Amidala for me. The group costume came out pretty good I think and we had a blast trick or treating with our friends in Santa Monica.

1 comment:

  1. Sooo lucky to have a grandma that sews!!! Love the costumes!!! I am proofing some photos now to send over!!!

    And look at the weather!!! We had a downpour...and, um, we live on a street that is a hill, so you have to walk up 5-10 steps to get to each the pitch black...and pouring rain! It was super!

    I already can't wait until next year!!!
