Wednesday, October 17, 2012

3 and 1/2 and 1/2 year old

Ilana will be 6 months tomorrow and the last 4 weeks have been huge for her. She is 25" long and 14 lbs 8 oz and she has been sitting for 3 weeks now as well as starting on solids. Bananas and avocados are AOK, rice cereal and apple sauce have been rejected so far. She communicates quite effectively with squeals and grunts that we always know what she needs. She is always easy, so much so that we forget she needs to nap or eat sometimes bcs she never cries for it.
She gets along famously with her big brother. They really adore each other which is all I could have asked for.Only Lev can make her smile with his silly antics and when she is sleeping he asks me to wake her bcs he misses her. He shares his toys with her fairly well.
 And I forgot to note that Lev has been successfully potty trained since July. He was more than ready but we weren't until all our visitors had departed. We picked a free weekend where we had no social engagements, July 20-22, and just went for it. A naked weekend where there were no diapers and no back tracking. After 2 days, he was peeing and pooing like ia pro and we haven't looked back. No accidents, no pull ups, just big kid underwear from here on out. He has a new confidence and swagger now too. Its awesome.

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