Monday, April 9, 2012

Passover/Easter 2012

We had a very busy holiday.

It started with a Seder for all the Two Families at Temple Akiba on Monday. The kids sang a few songs for us , but Lev gets self conscious and zones out to his happy place or stares at his fingers when the spotlight is on.
That Friday we drove down to San Diego to have Pesach with Shany, Alon, Ella, Maya, and Sara and Shelly, Joe, Michaela, and Liam who were visiting from NY for the week. There were 9 kids under 10 at the Seder which made for a boisterous family gathering. Rivka sent over half of the meal with Shelly which was hysterical and well appreciated too. The food and the company was so yummy.
The following night were lucky enough to be invited to Pam and Frank;s for a second Seder. It was very chill and relaxed. And with the Petriglianos cooking, you can safely assume the food was out of this world.
 Randi lead the Seder
Nico, Lev, and Zoey did great on their own - watching TV and making music.
 Graydon and Mia wished they could be part of the action but were happy to observe for now.
Let's not forget Easter Sunday. Although we didn't do much, we had to make a mini egg hunt for Lev outside.He's just too good an egg seeker for us to deprive him of the joy of finding those camouflaged eggs and then the thrill of discovering what's inside.

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