Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Ilana at 23 Months

Alec has been giving me a hard time about not updating the blog, even though it makes sense to check in at an even 2 years, but its been a while so here we go ;)

Ilana is quite the little lady now with clear ideas about where to go, what to eat, what to watch, and how to dress. She says "I'll do it" for everything to the point of taking off shoes I just put them back on herself. If I pick a shirt for her she will reject it and pick her own shirt out. Things take extra long but when she gets stuck she knows how to ask for help.

Another thing she says all the time now is "OK, I WILL" when I ask her to do anything. Its adorable. She is obsessed with Frozen, like all of America's children, and sings the songs to herself all day and believes her Cinderella doll is actually Elsa. She calls herself a Princess and talks about Elsa all the time. Lev likes the sound track too so that's one thing they can agree on.

Also, green is her favorite color so every spoon and fork she eats with must be green, her clothes, her food. Green food part is good actually. She ends up chowing down on Kale and green juice to my delight.

On a typical day we will drop off Lev at school where she hangs with Mila, Liam's younger sister. Her friends are also Mia, Dylan, and Harper - Lev's friends' baby sisters. She meets them at the playground or parties and always looks forward to girl time.
Then we may stop at Starbuck's for a latte and cookie break. One of her favorite things to do with me (and mine too). We will people watch and chat.
Followed by the playground to tire her out. With so many sunny mornings in LA, who can refuse.

We may do another activity in the afternoon after her nap and picking Lev up school. The two of them are really into crafts and art lately. Lev is getting quite good. And Ilana likes to express herself through messy paint and markers.
Followed by a bath. Its a charmed life, for sure.
The two of them get along very well. They squabble over equal measures of TV time or toys, but overall they are eachothers best friend and seek each other out which is endearing. Ilana will gladly take directions from Lev and participate in whatever game he has planned for them. He will tenderly protect her from rough kids, wake her up from naps, and teach her games on the ipad.

Lev continues to excel at PreK. He is doing simple math, learning his letters and itching to read, and dominating freeze dance. We recently filled some cavities for him. 4 so far, 4 more to go. he was very brave and mature about it. If only we could get him to stop eating so much candy.