Monday, September 9, 2013

Ilana at 17 months

The past couple of summer months have been a lot of fun. Although by size she is so small, Ilana insists on doing as much as Lev so people are astounded at her coordination and physical prowess. She runs, jumps, dances, and climbs awkwardly but cutely.

Now that Lev is a bug aficienado - he can spot a lady bug, spider, caterpiller, or potato bug from a mile away and doesn't hesitate to pick it up and examine each little creepy crawler, Ilana delights in finding bugs for him to get his approval. She looks for them everywhere and if she spots one, or you point it out to her, she acts very excited, screams "bug, bug, bug" while dancing around as if she is scared. This little act is adorable.

She says thank you a lot now. It sounds ore like "takku"but we know it ce sfroma  good place. She also has become obsessed with Elmo and asks to watch him at every opportunity. I think its less to do witha  sincere love and more something that she gets excited to recognize and have her own show to ask for since Lev has his long list.

She also loves dogs and cats and wants to stop and pet each one she sees on the street. She waves hi, then kneels down so that they can smell her hand, then trepidaciously pets each dog.What's funny is that when she wants attention from people, she says hi in the same way and gives them her hand to smell too.

The girls is into shoes and swiches them out daily. Wearing ones that are way too big for her and constantly tripping. Her favorite are the pink crocs because Lev has a black pair. She also loves jewelry and is the queen of layering necklaces and fancy bags. Such a girl.

Lev has started Pre-K and he loves it. He eagerly goes every morning and he is very preoccupied with looking cool. We even got him a black fedora that he wears each day. He hasn't made a  lot of new friends yet, but he really enjoys the jam packed day with new games and songs to learn, art and writing exercises, even homework. I am very proud of his attitude about embracing the change.