Friday, May 24, 2013

Ilana at 13 months

It seems like once she hit the year mark, she has been determined to catch up to Lev and stop being a "lazy baby". A week after her birthday, she figured out how to stand and she couldn't more happy with herself every time she stands and we clap at the achievement. She also can walk at a pretty quick speed as long as she holds one hand. She has also become a very good climber and problem solvers how to get herself onto and off the couch by working up levels of pillows, poufs, and side tables until she gets to her desired location.

Verbally she is progressing too - mama, bye bye, she waves hi at strangers but gets shy with our friends, she blows kisses, says cheers and clinks glasses, and hi fives. She is also starting to make connections between pictures, objects, and words - recognizing balls "bah" and cars "cah" is a big deal around here. What she cannot say, she points and gesticulates to and clearly conveys her desires.

Its very cute to see her girly side develop. She is intrigued by all things pink and princessy, and jewelry. She watches intently as I paint my nails. She mimics my hair brushing. She tries on my shoes and gets dismayed when they don't fit. She also pets babies and baby dolls, helps to clean by wiping down the counter, and load dishes in the dishwasher. Its really quite interesting to watch the gender differences develop between her and Lev.

She also does these pretty cute little gestures like holding a flower and sniffing deeply, then giving it to you to smell. Trying to feed you. She gets jealous when Lev tries to cuddle with me and will punch, scream, and push him out of my lap. She is my sweet devoted love bug. Her personality is just a dreamy, delicious joy to be around.

She can keep herself entertained for long stretches of time by filling up containers with random objects, then taking them out, then filling them again. Ripping apart magazines page by page. Constructing and deconstructing.

She continues to have a good time. Always looking to be amused and have a laugh. Up for whatever game Lev wants to play as long as he keeps her company. Up for any adventure we may drag her to.
And Lev is really his own little man. He pushes buttons and challenges the status quo a lot which translates to whiny argumentative sessions. I really can't win and its frustrating. Example, Lev: I want a banana. Me: Sure, you can have one. Lev: But I really want a banana now. Me: Yes, here you go, a banana for you right now. Lev: But I said I wanted a banana now (whiny voice). Me: But I gave you one, why are you whining? Lev: cries. These interactions drive me crazy.
At the same time he makes interesting observations, has lovely questions about what words mean or how things work, and we have deep conversations. He can play imaginative games like restaurant, shop keeper, and airplane for hours. He plays nicely and respectfully with his peers when others devolve to hitting each other. And he likes to be an entertainer with funny faces, funny voices, and overall antics.