Sunday, May 29, 2011

Bongo Time

Lev is still really into Paul Simon's Graceland Album and is starting to know the words to all the songs by heart. He loves songs with a lot of drumming so we got him these bongos to play along to the beat. He is very happy about this development.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Momma, What Is That?

Lev has started asking me about anything and everything he doesn't understand a few times a day with the question: "Momma, what is that?" I really appreciate the sweet way in which he asks, his inquisitive nature, and the fact that he gives me an opportunity to explain to him how things work. Its also funny the random things he asks about - like lint, gum on sidewalk, seals on containers, etc.

Monday, May 9, 2011

On A Boat

Lev took to staying on a boat like a fish in water. He loved exploring every nook and cranny and as fearless on deck. We let him stay up until 9:30 because he was having so much fun. And we milked the boat stay until the very last minute the following morning.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Lead Singer

You saw the videos, here are the stills.


Lev loves singing Happy Birthday and ABC while playing the xylophone and beating a drum and directing one of us to play the flute. He is the band lead singer and conductor. Today he also started singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

He is also Mr. Bossypants telling us what to do, when, and how. As in "Mama, come!", "Dadda, play trains". He is really into the collected works of Paul Simon, especially the songs with drumming and he is getting into Spongebob Squarepants and Bob the Builder, which is a welcome relief from Yo Gabba Gabba. He is now 22lbs 9.75 oz and 32.5" tall, so he is on the small side, but the pediatrician was impressed by how developmentally advanced he is for his age. He finds good times and something to laugh at wherever we are. 

Obsessed with all the trucks, buses, trains and cars he sees.

He has gone on some nature walks where he collects rocks, leaves, and small flowers and later examines his findings.