Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Lev's new favorite game is to hide behind the sofa cushions and pop out and say boo. It doesn't get old. And he also does this determined underbite thing with his mouth now. BTW - Lev is totally going through a daddy stage. It started a few weeks ago and now Alec is the coolest being on the planet. He likes Dada so much, he even calls me dada. I'm starting to get insulted.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Everybody Poos

Lev had learned the words pipi and poo poo and today he made me so proud by announcing that he made a poo right after it happened so that I could change his diaper. So cool!

He is also really into nature lately stopping to pick up every dead leaf, pine cone, rock, and flower that he encounters. And have momma carry his finds for him of course.

When he wants to go on a walk he brings us his shoes, our shoes, and points to the stroller.

He blows on all his food even when its not hot bcs he saw us doing it. And he tries to copy my yoga poses when he sees me stretch.

Best of all, he is really into organizing - his toys, pebbles, etc.
He is too delicious.