Sunday, November 29, 2009

Lev and the Laundry Basket

Lev had a ball playing in and with the plastic laundry basket.


Lev made it into a baby swing for the first time this weekend. Twice. He was skeptical. Hopefully it will grow on him in time since its one of my favorite things.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Seven Months

Lev is 7 months old tomorrow. He is growing so fast. He looked like such a little tyke at the beach this weekend with his red cap. He now prefers to sit upright (with no pillows behind him) instead of lying down. He tries to stand and walk whenever the has the support to help him balance. He will taste whatever he sees you eating. Cereal is boring, its about yogurt and soup and mashed veggies and juice. He smiles for the camera on command. Its hysterical. Such a thug

Friday, November 20, 2009

Oral Hygiene

Its never too early. Even if he doesn't have teeth yet.

Funny Face

Lev masticated the honey wheat pretzel stick today. He cracks me up.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Day in the Life

And night.

Ladies Man

Lev did an impromptu photo shoot to show off his seductive side.

Showing some skin.

His best Zoolander "Blue Lightening" pose

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Check Up

Now Lev us 15 lbs and 13 3/4 oz (which puts him in the 35th percentile) and 25 1/2 inches long (10th percentile, short like his mom). His head is in the 75th percentile (big brain of course).

Happy Hallowen

Lev's first year as a baby Hobbit. Adorable home crafted outfit by Grandma Laura. He was a hit on the trick or treating circuit.The loot
And he also tried on the bee costue. Cute but HOT. Too hot for LA.