Friday, October 23, 2009

6 months old

Lev will be 6 months old tomorrow! My how the time has flown by. He can d so many things now and seems to be learning more each day. We still have to work on the whole sleeping through the night thing, but everything else about him is magical. He's a really good baby to take out socially. He loves being around people and taking it all in. He's especially into grabbing people's faces now so he makes friends fast wherever he goes.
Lounging in the Eames rocker - I have always wanted one.

Sitting Tall

A few days ago Lev figured out how to sit completely unassisted. So cool. I'm very proud of him.
Devilish grin!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The High Life

Lev got a high chair today and he took to it right away. He was comfortable and sitting tall and hungry to be fed.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Rock Star

I faux hawked his hair and put him in the Beatles onesie so he can rock out. Fun!

Monday, October 5, 2009

First Day of School

Lev's first day at Penny's day care is over. He was a brave trooper. The report from Penny is that he cried when another baby was vomiting and crying (he is sensitive). He got MAD when she put him down. So mad that he scooted himself by flexing his back and pushing with his legs across the entire room. The sweetest part was when I picked him up. He wanted to hold onto my hair, necklace, face, shirt, and never let me go or be out of his sight again. Alas, we will part again tomorrow.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Anniversary Weekend

We had a wonderful first anniversary weekend staying in town at the Custom Hotel. A staycation if you will. We went out to yummy dinner at Hal's on Abbot Kinney on Friday night, Bergamot Station art galleries on Saturday, a sushi dinner at Sugarfish in Marina del Rey, and even squeezed in Noah's Arc at the Skirball Center on Sunday. Lev was a trooper. Now that he can eat solids, he enjoys going out to eat at restaurants with the family as long as he has his bowl f cereal to join in. We had so much fun with him in tow.

Lounging by the pool at Custom Hotel

Sushi Monster